Yellow fever
The rules governing the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) for yellow fever can be complicated and difficult to understand, so don’t be surprised if you’re perplexed! However, the expert advisers at NX Healthcare can assist you.
What exactly is a yellow fever vaccination certificate?
Yellow fever is a viral infection spread by the bite of a mosquito carrying the virus. Stamaril vaccination provides long-term immunity to the disease, and you will be given a certificate once you have been vaccinated.
Many affected countries require proof of yellow fever vaccination (an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis) before allowing you to enter. The vaccine must be administered at least 10 days before travel to a high-risk country. If you are travelling from a country where yellow fever is present, border officials may request a certificate. You may be quarantined, immunised, or denied entry if you cannot provide proof of immunity. This may cause lengthy delays, causing you to miss out on activities or connecting flights. As you can see, a yellow fever certificate may be very important depending on your itinerary!
An ICVP is valid indefinitely. Only a registered yellow fever vaccination centre, such as NX Healthcare’s Oxford Street travel clinic, can issue the certificate.
Which countries require an International Certificate of Yellow Fever Vaccination?
Because a county’s entry requirements can change quickly and without notice, it is impossible to provide an authoritative list here. You should check with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office about the entry requirements of the countries you intend to visit. When you come in for your appointment at NX Healthcare, you can also discuss your itinerary with your travel health adviser. They will be able to determine whether you require a yellow fever certificate.
Which countries are at risk of yellow fever?
If you travel to Central or South America or Sub-Saharan Africa, you are at risk of contracting yellow fever and should get vaccinated. Even if you are immunised, you should avoid mosquito bites because the vaccine is not 100% effective.
What is the procedure for obtaining a yellow fever certificate?
When you are immunised against yellow fever, you should be given a certificate. It is valid for the rest of your life, so keep it safe.
I misplaced my yellow fever certificate.
Revaccination against yellow fever is safe, and a new certificate will be issued.
What exactly is yellow fever?
Yellow fever is a potentially fatal viral illness spread by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The death rate can be as high as 60%. Yellow fever symptoms include:
- fatigue
- headache
- high fever
- jaundice, nausea, and vomiting
- muscle pain
Yellow fever is usually mild and goes away in a few days, but it can progress to a more serious haemorrhagic form that kills 50% of patients.
If you have travelled to an area where yellow fever is endemic and are experiencing feverish symptoms, see a doctor and inform them of your travel history.